We pride ourselves on consistently delivering high-quality work whilst thinking 'out of the box'
CTS Heritage, based in Cape Town, South Africa, has four fulltime heritage specialists with degrees in Archaeology and heritage management. The team is supported by CTS's software team for database solutions, Apps and other tech innovations which are developed to suit the needs of our various clients. In 2014, we created an integrated open source GIS workspace to collaborate at scale on mapping heritage resources for our Heritage Screeners and Heritage Inventories. We are currently expanding our services to other African countries and other international clients.
CTS Heritage brings innovative digital technology solutions to the heritage industry.
CTS Heritage was founded to assist developers in mitigating the negative impacts of development on heritage resources through early warning tools and best practice in heritage impact assessments. By bringing together a team from different professional backgrounds with diverse experience, we’ve been able to create a niche service that’s unique and exceptional.
We use technology and innovation to facilitate good heritage management practices.
We work at scale to produce outputs faster than our competitors and across a broader range of heritage sub-disciplines. In our first year, we digitised over 16,000 heritage sites, more than one‐third of South Africa’s entire inventory!
Heritage can play a positive role in bringing people together and making them feel that they belong.
At CTS Heritage, we remain committed to building relationships with governments, developers and environmental assessment practitioners